xiǎo chū jìng cí sì sòng lín zǐ fāng
晓 出 净 慈 寺 送 林 子 方
宋 ·杨 万 里
Bì jìng xī hú liù yuè zhōng fēng guāng bù yǔ sì shí tóng
毕 竟 西 湖 六 月 中 , 风 光 不 与 四 时 同。
jiē tiān lián yè wú qióng bì yìng rì hé huā bié yàng hóng
接 天 莲 叶 无 穷 碧 , 映 日 荷 花 别 样 红。
The Lakeside Temple at Dawn
By Yang Wanli
The uncommon West Lake in the midst of sixth moon
Displays a scenery to other months unknown.
Green lotus leaves outspread as far as boundless sky;
Pink lotus blossoms take from sunshine a new dye.
Translated by Xu Yuanchong
The Lakeside Temple at Dawn is a poem written by poet Yang Wanli from the Song Dynasty, which depicts the scene of Hangzhou's West Lake in June, through the praise of the beautiful scenery of the West Lake, expressing the poet's affectionate nostalgia for friends through the praise of the beautiful scenery of West Lake.