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Liu Lu ,Associate Professor of the School of Energy and Power 

Engineering Published the Latest Research Results in

Separation and Purification Technology


Aiming at the key problems of slow regeneration rate of Fe(II) and low utilization rate of H2O2 in the process of organic wastewater treatment by photofenton technology, a new and efficient photofenton material was prepared by anchoring Fe atoms on the surface of TiO2 and adjusting the spin state of Fe, which greatly improved the degradation efficiency of organic wastewater.

Recently, with CIT as the first unit, Associate Professor Liu Lu of School of Energy and Power Engineering published a research paper titled "Regulating Fe(III) spin state by anchoring iron on titanium dioxide for enhancing photo-Fenton treatment of tetracycline wastewater" in the internationally renowned journal Separation and Purification Technology . This journal is the TOP journal of the first region of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, with the latest impact factor 8.1.

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