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Academic Presentation of “Selection, Writing and Declaration of Humanities 

and Social Sciences Projects” Held by CIT


In order to promote the declaration of the Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation projects, further improve the quantity and quality of the projects applied by CIT, on February 7, 2023, the School of Foreign Languages, together with the Office of Scientific Research and the Secretariat of the Association of Science and Technology, holds an academic presentation entitled "Selection, Writing and Declaration of Humanities and Social Sciences Projects", Professor Zhang Bisheng from Guizhou Normal University was invited to do the main report.

The academic exchange consisted of three main sessions: the first part was an academic report by Professor Zhang Bisheng from Guizhou Normal University - "Selection, Writing and Declaration of Humanities and Social Sciences Projects", covered the meaning of the declaration of humanities and social science fund projects, the selection of topics and the changing trend of fund declaration in recent years. The second part was given by associate professor Liu Yuhuan from the School of Foreign Languages, who shared with the audience her insights on the declaration of humanities and social science projects from the perspective of the declarant and her own declaration experience. She believes that social science projects need to grasp the five aspects: first, brave attempts; second, firm confidence; third, solid foundation; fourth, keep the topic small and the research deep; fifth, good start and good finish. In accordance with the requirements of the National Social Science, we should learn by heart and treat each project declaration seriously. In the third part, the teachers discussed and exchanged views on several issues of social science project applications.

The teachers gained a lot from Professor Zhang Biesheng's report. "Without academic research, career will be unsustainable" mentioned in the report made us realize the important content and the mission of university teachers, which is the inner motivation to engage in scientific research in the future. In the process of project application, we should to do real learning, solve realistic problems, have the courage to turn our blades inwards and put our project research into practice.

More than three hundred teachers from over twenty universities across China attended the presentation. In addition to the teachers from our Humanities and Social Sciences Group, more than twenty universities including Nankai University, Sichuan University, Shandong University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Northwestern University and Sichuan Normal University also attended, and all teachers expressed that this academic exchange activity was very meaningful.

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