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CIT Renewed Cooperation Agreement with the University 

of the West of Scotland


At the invitation of the University of the West of Scotland, Professor Chen Quan, Secretary of the Party Committee of CIT, led a delegation to visit UWS from September 23 to 27 to renew a new round of cooperation agreement between the two universities.

On the morning of September 25th, the two universities held the annual meeting of the Joint Management Committee for Sino-British Cooperative Education Projects in a friendly and friendly atmosphere.

Mr. James Miller, Vice-Chancellor of the University of the West of Scotland, first delivered a welcome speech. On behalf of the faculty and students , he welcomed the visit of CIT delegation and warmly congratulated the fruitful achievements of the cooperative education program between the two universities in the past decade. President Miller gave a detailed introduction to the achievements of the UWS in campus humanistic environment construction, talent cultivation, teaching and research in recent years, and stressed that the University attaches great importance to the cooperation and exchange with CIT. The visit of our University delegation has opened a new chapter in promoting the internationalization of education between the two universities. and UWS is willing to continue to work with CIT, continuously improve the cooperation mechanism, strengthen communication and coordination, ensure the smooth implementation of cooperation projects, and promote the development of cooperation in running schools between the two universities.

On behalf of our university, Secretary Chen Quan extended cordial greetings to all the teachers and students of UWS and expresses gratitude for the warm invitation from the University . He stated that the University of the West of Scotland has  advanced educational concepts and abundant teaching resources,  making it our most important international partner. The cooperation with the University of the West of Scotland has enhanced the international level of CIT, not only bringing students a broader international perspective and better educational resources, but also providing a platform for the University's teachers to exchange and study with their international counterparts, promoting the improvement of teachers' comprehensive abilities. Our school will take this renewal of the cooperative education agreement as an opportunity to continuously increase the introduction of high-quality educational resources, improve the quality of education, jointly train talents with international vision and innovative ability, and promote the development and prosperity of the educational undertakings of the two schools. He hopes that the two universities will engage in in-depth exchanges and cooperation in the field of computer science and technology, promote the cross-integration of big data, artificial intelligence, unmanned aerial vehicle and traditional majors, carry out undergraduate and graduate education, and continue to explore new fields and new ways of cooperation in running schools based on the principle of "resource sharing and complementary advantages".

On behalf of the two universities, Secretary Chen Quan and President Miller respectively signed the "Agreement on the Cooperation of Civil Engineering Undergraduate Education Program", the "Agreement on the cooperation of Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation Undergraduate Education Program" and the "Cooperation Connection Agreement". According to the agreement, CIT and the University of the West of Scotland will continue to hold civil engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation undergraduate education programs; At the same time, it will build a platform for non-project students to study abroad, and encourage outstanding students in relevant majors to apply for degree programs and short-term exchange programs at the University of the West of Scotland, broaden their international vision and improve their international competitiveness.

At the meeting, the Dean of the School of Engineering, Computer and Physical Sciences of the University of the West of Scotland, the liaison person of the UK project, the heads of the International Exchange Office and the Academic Affairs Office of our school summarized and exchanged views on the development of the cooperation projects between the two universities, The focus was on exploring inter-university scientific research cooperation in the professional fields of artificial intelligence, big data processing and intelligent construction. Opinions were exchanged on the joint training of doctoral programs, and detailed discussions were held on the organization and arrangement of our university's teachers' overseas training and foreign teachers' teaching in China.

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