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CIT School of Computer Technology and Engineering 

Hosts the Fourth Annual IT Cultural Festival


In order to further improve the scientific and technological cultural literacy of college students and enrich the cultural life of teachers and students on campus, on May 15, the School of Computer Technology and Engineering held the fourth IT Cultural Festival on "AI Empowering Intelligent Future".

CIT leaders Chen Quan, Liu Zhaoguo, Yang Yongsheng, Wang Yanbo and Zhang Bangcheng went to the event site to communicate with teachers and students, and had a warm exchange with teachers and students on the display content.

This activity has set up a science and technology experience area (drone control, VR immersive experience), competition area (IT knowledge question and answer, Code small master) and enterprise display area. The event lasts for one month, and the School of Computer Technology and Engineering organized the teachers and students of the whole school to actively participate, allowing students to immerse themselves and experience the charm of the digital age, and inherit IT culture through intelligent interaction.

In the science and technology experience area, students watched 3D movies through VR glasses, experienced 3D game interaction, immersive experience, and felt the progress of digital technology; In the competition area, programming, typing and other competitions improved the students' computer practical operation ability, stimulated everyone's enthusiasm for learning, and fully mobilized everyone's enthusiasm for learning; In the enterprise exhibition area, the college invited eight enterprises, including H3C New H3C Group, to the school for recruitment promotion and display of enterprise products, to help students smoothly carry out internship and employment work.

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