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CIT Teacher Duan Yu, BIM Technology Industry College 

Publishes an Academic Paper in Top Journal


Recently, Duan Yu, teacher from the BIM Technology Industry College of CIT, published an academic paper titled A hierarchical framework for integration of smart buildings in fully-renewable multi-microgrids and distribution systems: towards more sustainable societies, as the first author, in the top journal Sustainable Cities and Society which is in the first district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the latest impact factor of this journal is 10.5.

Duan Yu has long been committed to the application research of innovative technologies in digital construction, building redundant energy consumption, microgrid, intelligent building energy consumption management system and other related fields, and has made breakthroughs in the research of renewable energy multi-microgrid distribution systems for intelligent buildings. This study is based on the BIM Education Center of Changchun Institute of Technology's "Building Operation and Maintenance Management Platform Based on BIM Technology", and the research focuses on the three-level integration of intelligent building energy consumption management system and renewable energy microgrid distribution system. The concept of redundant energy consumption in intelligent buildings is deeply integrated with the method of distribution system, forming a balance model of microgrid distribution system composed of photovoltaic, wind, thermal, micro current power generation and battery based on the architecture of intelligent buildings. The study lays a solid theoretical and practical foundation for the further development of sustainable utilization of renewable energy in buildings.

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