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Ye Shaoyi, Deputy General Manager of Jilin Electric Power Co., Ltd. 

Visits CIT and Gives an Academic Report


On June 22, 2024, at the invitation of CIT Energy and Power Engineering college, Ye Shaoyi, Deputy General Manager of Jilin Electric Power Co., Ltd. came to our college to deliver an academic report entitled "Pioneering and Innovation-Focusing on Creating New Quality Productivity in the Energy Industry" to teachers and students. The meeting was presided over by CIT Professor Chen Tiehua, the head of the "New Energy Industry Shortage Talent Training Customized Class" in Jilin Province, and more than 100 teachers and students from the School of Energy and Power Engineering,  School of Electrical and Information Engineering and School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering participated in the report.

Deputy General Manager Ye Shaoyi explained in detail the trend and urgency of carbon emission under the background of the "double carbon" era, and in-depth explained the five emission reduction technologies to achieve carbon neutrality goals. Combined with the actual case of Jilin Electric Power Co., LTD., he introduced the development of the State Power Investment Group in the integrated smart energy industry and green electricity conversion technology. Ye Shaoyi emphasized that with the adjustment of the global energy structure and the progress of technology, the energy industry is undergoing a profound transformation, and comprehensive smart energy and green power conversion technology will become important directions for future energy development.

The teachers and students present had in-depth exchanges with Deputy General Manager Ye Shaoyi on the application of comprehensive smart energy industry in geothermal heating projects and other related issues. This report conference not only provides a valuable opportunity for teachers and students to understand the cutting-edge dynamics of the energy industry and expand their academic horizons, but also strengthens the close connection and cooperation between the school and enterprises.

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